Resources for the Community
Pomona Trees
A community resource for understanding and strengthening Pomona’s urban forest. Compiled and managed by Clean & Green Pomona.
CalEnviroScreen 4.0
The State of California’s comprehensive model to assess vulnerabilities of neighborhoods to cumulative pollution burdens. Many of Pomona’s neighborhoods are in the to 25% statewide in terms of their exposure to pollution and its impact on its residents.
Cal Adapt
Cal-Adapt provides a view of how climate change might affect Pomona and the rest of California. Find tools, data, and resources to conduct research, develop adaptation plans and build applications.
Federal Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool
In January of 2021, President Biden directed the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to develop a new tool. This tool is called the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. The tool has an interactive map and uses datasets that are indicators of burdens in eight categories: climate change, energy, health, housing, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development. The tool uses this information to identify communities that are experiencing these burdens. The tool considers different factors, so its results vary slightly from CalEnviroScreen’s analysis.
I-Tree Landscape from the US Forest Service
Explore tree canopy, land cover, and demographic information in your community. View tree canopy benefits in terms of carbon dioxide, air pollution, stormwater impacts, and more! Identify priority tree planting and protection areas for climate and social justice efforts.